Music Festivals Podcast

Get to Know Music Festivals and Music Festival Venues Before You Go...

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Festival Venue Playlists


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NeighborN8 at NLQP

Heyo, I'm NeighborN8...

If you're here, we probably met at a festival. Or just maybe you heard about Music Festivals Podcast in the campground from your neighbors.  However you landed on this website, I'm sure glad your here. 

We both ❤️ going to music festivals.  The people, the vibes, the music, the campfire jams, the vendors, the food, the party ... all of it.

But planning your experience can be a pain in the ass.  Some venues and producers put out a ton of content and information to help you.  But for whatever reason, most don't. 

 Music Festivals Podcast helps you get to know music festivals and music festival venues before you go.

From knowing where to camp, to performance schedules, to learning your way around tent city, you'll want to subscribe to makes it easier to plan an amazing experience. If you do, you'll new episodes each week on Fridays.  

I hope to see you in the Neighborhood, and I hope to we get to be camp neighbors at the next festival! 🏕️

This Week's Episode

This week, I'm talking with Syd Alexis and Austin Johnson of Austin & the Syd Experience about becoming a music festival band. These two and their bandmates have played all over the place in the last few months.  We get into their musical brining and inspirations, their unique sound and how psychedelics may have had played a role...